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VANISH is a series of investigations, explorations and exercises about making something disappear.The limited first-edition of VANISH by Paavan was crowdfunded on Kickstarter in February 2020.The second paperback edition is now available to buy:

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“I really believe that writings like these, which promote introspection on the part of the conjuror, are just as important as any technical writing within our field, and I strongly encourage you to wrestle for yourself with the questions Paavan presents."— Elliott Terral, Genii Magazine

“An absolute JOY from start to finish! Like a rollercoaster adventure for your mind. Recommend to everyone!"— Kate Howlett

“It’s a lovely and engaging read. It’s honestly a book I look forward to reading more than once. So thank you. When you read a good book you really do sort of vanish for a while."— Edward Pungot

“It is so beautifully and stylishly produced, I love the look and feel of it. It is also very well written — I particularly enjoyed the unanswered questions for the reader to consider."— Kim Kremer

Available now
Paperback edition
144 pages
£20 + shipping


Like so many magicians, one of the first magic tricks I learnt to do was making a coin vanish.To this day, I think that making a coin vanish is one of the best magical effects somebody can perform. This is for three reasons:Firstly, it’s practical. To make something vanish, you don’t need any special props or gimmicks. And for a well-trained magician, any object works: a pebble, a glass, a scrunched-up paper ball. The well-trained magician will know a variety of methods to make something vanish, allowing the magic trick to be improvised and potentially repeatable using different methods.Secondly, a vanish is difficult to execute. It’s something which is technically challenging, especially if the method used requires sleight-of- hand. But this makes it enjoyable for a performer. There’s a joy to be had in perfecting the move — becoming slightly obsessive, even — in pursuit of a beautiful moment.Lastly, a vanish is presentationally powerful. Making something vanish is one of the most powerful pieces of magic that can be done. A magical effect is something that, by its very definition, has to defy humanity’s collectively-held understanding of how the rules of nature function. A vanish is the distillation of that defiance.There’s something about it which carries a sense of clarity. It’s the perfect summary of what a magic trick is.In this book, I explore the concept of the vanish from a variety of different angles. I cover performance theory, philosophy, art, science and more.At the end of each section, I provide some exercises for you to complete. Have a notebook on you while you read, so you can write down any thoughts, and your answers to each exercise.

The book continues with the following sections:

An etymological investigationA comparison with other magical conceptsPresentational considerationsA methodological investigation
A sensory investigationAn aetiological investigationThe renunciation of the True worldVisual framing
A quantum investigationThe empty spaceA temporal investigationA psychological investigation
BluffingThe disappearance of the illusory worldA metaphysical investigationAn investigation into objectivity

...and more!

Available now
Paperback edition
144 pages
£20 + shipping